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Morning Docket

Morning Docket 02.25.21

* A lawyer has pleaded guilty to billing a state for more than 24 hours of legal work in a single day. Maybe he had a time machine... [ABA Journal] * Donald Trump, Jr. was deposed as part of an investigation launched by the DC Attorney General concerning the use of funds for President Trump's inauguration. [CNN] * The Supreme Court is evaluating a major case about when police can enter a home without a warrant. [NPR] * A class action has been filed alleging that insurance companies charged excessive rates for car insurance during the pandemic. [ABC News] * The Texas Attorney General is in hot water for allegedly heading to Utah while Texans were without power last week. At least he didn't go to an international resort like other politicians from Texas... [People]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 05.19.20

* SmileDirectClub has filed a $2.8 billion lawsuit against NBC for broadcasting an allegedly defamatory and misleading story about the company. They sound more like FrownDirectClub... [Hill] * A well-known Texas lawyer is suing his estate planning attorney for a Texas-sized tax liability he wasn't able to avoid. [Texas Lawyer] * A New Orleans lawyer has been disbarred for spending her client's settlement money received because of the Deepwater Horizon explosion. [Advocate] * The Georgia Supreme Court has struck down a law requiring the licensing of lactation specialists. First learned about this profession from The Office. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution] * A lawsuit against the parents of a killer who murdered four people is being allowed to proceed. [Philadelphia Inquirer] * An Iowa attorney has been suspended from practice for overbilling a public defender's office, sometimes logging more than 24 hours in a day. Maybe the lawyer had Doc Brown's DeLorean? [Bloomberg Law]